Dr. 李Hemphill


李·亨普希尔出生于11月2日, 1907, 在科尔曼县, 德州, 献给一个经营牧场和银行的先驱家族. 他在科尔曼市长大, 在那里上过公立学校, and was honored as valedictorian of his Coleman High School graduating class.

Lee enrolled at Simmons University in 1925, where he graduated magna cum laude in 1929. Lee met the former Lunelle Nix while they were students at HSU. 李和露内尔 continued their acquaintance after both graduated in 1929, 他们于1935年结婚.

当我还是西蒙斯大学的学生时, 李强烈地感受到布道的召唤, that he diligently worked for years to overcome a speech impediment that had resulted from a palate defect, which was worsened by a bout with typhoid fever as a child. 13岁时,李不得不重新学习说话. When he expressed to his father his desire to preach, he was met with a realistic discouragement. 但, 尽管困难重重, 在Lunelle的大力帮助下, 李成为了一个与众不同的, 精确的演讲者.

从西蒙斯大学毕业后, Lee taught school 在科尔曼县 and Sweetwater before attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned a master of theology degree in 1936. 神学院毕业后, Lee pastored both full-time and part-time in several 德州 churches including: Silver Valley Baptist Church, 新浸信会, 科罗拉多城普莱恩维尤浸信会教堂, 以及代顿第一浸信会教堂. In 1943, he was called to pastor First Baptist Church of Littlefield, 德州, 他在那里服役了16年.

Lee returned to his alma mater in 1959 to become the University’s first vice president for development, 1968年到1975年, 副总裁负责延期捐赠吗. 在PG电子游戏16年的职业生涯中, 他是制度发展的先驱, laying the foundations for many of the largest gifts HSU has received. 这位神人以他的专业技能而闻名, 影响, 完整性, 以及他对所有人有益的忠告. He was referred to as a trailblazer among development officers and was credited with leading HSU as it became the first Baptist institution to organize a full development department.

Lee played a major role in the establishment of HSU发展委员会, 青年律师协会董事会, 学术基金会, 和音乐学院基金会. In 1968 he participated in the creation of the Cowboy Band Foundation and encouraged the former band members to build the Cowboy Band Hall in 1972. 1968年,他和HSU的校长,Dr. Elwin Skiles创立了哈佛大学校长俱乐部.

李以多种身份为德州浸信会服务. He was a member of the executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of 德州, HSU发展委员会, 是BGCT的第二副主席. He was vice chairman of the 德州 Baptist Children’s 首页 at Round Rock, 浸信会第九区会长, 平原浸信会, 以及德州浸信会发展官员协会, and served as a trustee at both Wayland and Howard Payne universities.

Lee received honorary doctorate degrees from Howard Payne University in 1952 and Hardin-Simmons大学 in 1958. 在许, 他是1968年基特奖的获得者, 是校友会的最高荣誉, and a lifetime (and founding) member of the Presidents Club.

李和露内尔, 开发和管理广泛的商业利益, 利用他们的资产来发展HSU. One of the first buildings to materialize from this generosity was the men’s dorm, Nix Hall. 1966年, “The Cornerstone Series” Bible lectures were endowed by 李和露内尔 in honor of his parents, 已故的先生. 和夫人. C.W. Hemphill. In 1986, the Hemphills furnished the Business Reading Room on the third floor of the Richardson Library. 李和露内尔 instilled their sense of Christian generosity in their two children, 希尔顿·亨普希尔和罗莎·李·亨普希尔·普理查德, 是谁将亨普希尔的传统服务于HSU.

在1987年露内尔去世后, an endowment was established by the Hemphill family to honor her and to provide an opportunity for students to be involved in mission outreach projects.

In 1989, Lee married Koreen Willcox Logsdon, whose husband, Charles, passed away in 1981. The wedding was the first to be conducted in the newly constructed Logsdon School of Theology Chapel. 手术是由当时的hsu校长Dr. 杰西·C. 弗莱彻,现任名誉主席.

He and Koreen continued a pattern of generosity to HSU in many areas of need. They made the major naming gift for the 李Hemphill Music Building which adjoins the Caldwell Music Building and Woodward-Dellis Recital Hall.

Lee often commented that music prepares the congregation’s heart to receive God’s Word, 在1990年, the HSU School of Music Foundation was established through the generosity and participation of Lee and Koreen to promote the growth and excellence of the School of Music. In 1998 both became “Members for Life” of the HSU School of Music Foundation.

Lee’s love and generosity has stretched even beyond the grave, as Hardin-Simmons recently received funds from annuities that he had arranged to benefit his beloved HSU after his death.

李逝世后10月7日,2006年,博士. 威廉mike vanderboegh, former executive director and CEO of the Baptist General Convention of 德州, 说他, “Dr. 李Hemphill’s contribution to the advancement of the cause of Christ and to the effectiveness of the Baptist family of Christians has been immense. Personally he made an impact for good by his gracious Christian character, his quiet but persistent pursuit of the goals he believed God had set for him, 还有他的智慧和正直. 他还通过他的家庭使许多人受益, endowing them with a deep commitment to Christian values and causes. Dr. Hemphill through his long-time significant roles in Hardin-Simmons大学 and the Baptist General Convention of 德州 enabled a host of persons to become effective leaders in churches, 教会协会, 公约的实体, 在全国和世界各地传教. 拥有伟大的洞察力, 一群朋友, 而漫长的一生他都留下了精彩, positive mark on the world in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Lee’s life’s motto is worthy counsel, “Work as though it all depended on me. 祷告,意识到一切都取决于主.” Dr. Hemphill is deeply missed, but his legacy remains vibrant, alive, and with us every day. Hemphill is a name indelibly ingrained in the very presence of Hardin-Simmons大学.

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons大学 to recognize one of her own and to formally induct Dr. 李·亨普希尔进入哈佛大学领袖大厅.