

Pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Education Code, PG电子游戏已将这些规定传播到地面上的车辆的操作和停放, 街道, 驱动器, 小巷, and other institutional property of Hardin-Simmons大学. 这些规定是为了确保所有使用校园的人的安全,并提供有限的停车设施的最佳使用. 这些规定适用于校园的所有部分,不分昼夜,是对所有现有联邦法规的补充, 状态, 以及与我们大学有关的城市法律.


在开始之前, make sure the following information is available:

  • HSU ID#:(HSU承包商使用公司名称.)
  • 驾照
  • 车辆信息
  • 当前车辆保险资料


Once approved, instructions will be emailed on how to obtain the decal.




有关停车贴的问题,电邮: hsupolice@280760.com

所有的学生, 教师, 及职员必须遵守由大学订定的有关机动车辆及单车的规例. 这种协议隐含在PG电子游戏财产上的车辆的实际操作中. While the University will make every effort to protect vehicles on its property, 大学(及其管理人员或雇员)不能对任何车辆或其内容的维护或保护承担任何责任.



所有机动车辆, motorcycles operated or parked on HSU property by any University employee, 合同工(ABM或爱玛客), 或目前在读的学生必须在HSU警察局登记,并且必须在所述车辆上正确显示有效的许可证.


大学员工和学生将有五个工作日的宽限期,从每学期(秋季)上课的第一天开始登记他们的车辆, 春天, 夏天,我, 夏天(二). Any citation issued after the expiration of the fifth day will not be subject to dismissal.


Any motorized vehicle that is operated on campus must display a valid permit. Should the need arise in which a 学生 or employee is required to operate a replacement, 租借, 或租用校园内的车辆,必须在24小时内取得临时许可证(免费). 对未注册车辆的第一次传票将被驳回,并被视为警告传票. 在第一次罚单后24小时或更长时间对同一车辆发出的任何后续罚单将不会被解雇.


游客 are defined as one who is not enrolled, 作为教员与HSU没有任何关系, 政府, 学生, 或员工. 学生配偶不被视为访客.

Guests who use the registered vehicle of a 学生, 教职员工的停车限制与注册人相同,必须按照贴牌停车. ACU, McMurry, 帕蒂·汉克斯护理学院, 阿比林高中, 库珀高中, and Cisco Junior College 学生s are not considered visitors while taking classes.

注意:当前HSU教职员工的学生家属在上课或在HSU工作期间不得使用教职员工停车位. 如果学生使用他或她的父母的车辆,已发给教师/工作人员许可, he or she must park in his or her respective designated area (commuter or resident parking).


  • Students, 教师, and staff decals must be affixed to the outside of the vehicle’s 后窗,左下方. (Permits for convertibles may be placed on the front windshield, 驾驶座, 以上国家注册.)
  • The parking decal must be displayed within 24 hours of receiving it.
  • 万一被引用, the 学生 that corresponds to the parking decal will be charged, 即使是其他人在开车.
  • 所有停车贴都有编号. Resident or Commuter are noted on the parking decal.
  • 星期一至星期五, 上午7:30至下午5:30, Residential 学生s need to park in appropriate Residence Hall & UP公寓停车场和露天停车场. 停车场地图上标明了露天停车场. 这些停车场也有明确的标志,指定这些停车场允许的贴花.
  • Additional parking is available in the “Open 停车 Lots”. 其中包括Sandefer Fieldhouse停车场, 牛仔乐队大厅, 校内的领域, 西蒙斯街停车场, & 斯基尔斯停车场.
  • 学生可以使用开放式停车场, 教师, and staff on weekends and after 5:30pm until 7:30am on weekdays. 红区禁止停车, 障碍, 总统, 副总统, 迪安, 宿舍主任, 或预留或租用空间.
  • Students residing off campus (commuters) may park in any parking spaces marked “commuter”, “com/vis”, 有迹象表明, 或者上面列出的任何一个露天停车场.
  • 辅助贴花:研究生, 来自各大学, will receive a Commuter decal and will adhere to the parking regulations of commuter parking. 在俄亥俄州立大学授课的客座教授将获得通勤衣架,并要求在工作时间将车停在通勤停车场.
  • 电单车必须登记,并可停泊在通勤泊位及标有“电单车”的泊位。.
  • 来自麦克默里的注册标志, ACU, 阿比林高中和库珀高中, HSU and Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing are honored at all schools. 每个校区的停车规定各不相同. 因此,建议学生与校园警察核实有关停车的问题 & 各校区车辆管理规定.


  • Traffic and parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Ownership or a registration decal does not guarantee a parking space, nor does the absence of a parking space justify violation of any regulation.
  • 每个大学警官和安全官员都有权对违规行为进行引用, 必要时指挥交通, 并在紧急情况或特殊事件需要的地点设置特殊的监管标志和屏障. Other University personnel may also be designated to enforce traffic and parking regulations.
  • Washing or repairing privately owned motor vehicles on University property is prohibited.
  • 大学有权在任何时候检查位于大学物业内的任何车辆的内容.


  • The speed limit on all University property is 15 mph.
  • All traffic control signs and devices must be obeyed.
  • 使用无线设备(如.g., cellphone) is prohibited while operating a motor vehicle on campus roadways.


The University enforces all city and 状态 statutes 24 hours a day. 这些地区没有停车区, 限制停车场, 或者预留的停车场被漆成黄色, 一般停车是不允许的.

例外: 一般标记为学院的区域, 工作人员, 游客, 通勤/访客, 及宿舍停车场, may be used by anyone with a valid decal during non-business hours of 5:30 p.m. 早上7:30.m. 星期一至星期五 and anytime over the weekend.

  • 如果没有提供角度停车, vehicles must be parked parallel on the right side of the street or roadway.
  • If a vehicle is parked parallel, it cannot face traffic. The right wheels must be adjacent to the right curb.
  • Vehicles parked in angled, lined, or parallel parking spaces must be parked within the lines.
  • Handicapped parking areas are reserved for those persons who have been issued by the 状态, 县, or federal authority a 障碍ped parking permit. Such permits must be properly displayed in vehicles, and use of these spaces by any other vehicle for any reason is expressly forbidden. 有资格申请临时残疾人士专用空间的人士,可联络警务处处长或指定人员考虑.

注意:联邦A.D.A. 法律要求所有私人财产所有者和当局对残疾人停车位和防火区实行零容忍. 任何借口都不会被接受, 在这些地方发出的罚单是治安法官的交通罚单,不能被撤销.  The Justice of the Peace traffic citations must be addressed at the County Municipal Court.

In addition to the regulations explained in this section, campus police may require that holders of 障碍ped permits issued by 状态, 县, 或者联邦机构向校园警察报告,以提供证明,证明此类许可证已发给车辆操作员.  根据德州法规, 获发残疾牌的人士在车辆停泊时,必须在车内,才可在限制/指定区域使用残疾牌.

If a permit was issued to another person (mother, grandparent, etc.),则持有人必须明白,除非该人士是车上的乘客,否则不得使用残障人士专用空间.


A schedule of charges and fines is on the back of the issued citations. 罚款可以通过您的HSU中央账户在线支付,也可以亲自到Sandefer大楼的HSU出纳办公室支付(周一至周五上午8点起).m. – 5 p.m.(不包括大学假期).

Students are responsible for any citation issued to their vehicle. 违规者未在罚单发出之日起十(10)个工作日内支付罚款(或提出上诉请求),将自动记入注册学生的账户, 或者在未注册车辆的情况下, 该车辆的经营人或登记车主应对违规行为负责,并对违规行为可能收取的所有罚款负责.

In addition to the citation and fine system for traffic and parking violations, 下列情况可能导致车辆被拖离校园,费用由车主承担:

  • Four or more citations within a semester or summer period.
  • Blocking a 障碍ped space, fire lane, roadway, alley, building exit or entrance.
  • 停车 in an area designated as a tow-away zone.
  • Vehicles banned from campus by appropriated authority as a result of disciplinary action.



上诉必须是 通过电子邮件提交 向警务处(hsupolice@280760.com) within 10 (Ten) business days of receiving the ticket. The written appeal must specify grounds that would justify consideration.

  • 对政策的普遍不满或请求宽恕都不是上诉的适当依据.
  • 不同意有效的停车规则, 上课迟到, 恶劣的天气, 找不到停车位, or only parking in violation for a short period of time are NOT grounds for an appeal.

上诉将由HSUPD局长或其指定人员进行审查,他们将根据现有信息对上诉作出裁决. If the violation is overturned on appeal, the citation will be voided. Individuals whose appeal is denied by the Chief or their designee, may request further appeal to the and 迪安 of Students. Results of the appeal will be sent via one or more of the following methods: campus mail, U.S. 邮件或电子邮件.

如果上诉维持原判, the violator will be expected to submit appropriate payment of the fine.

电邮至 hsupolice@280760.com  for questions or obtain additional information regarding traffic and parking policies.

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